Can you have your foal...1) Drink when asked? 2) Go potty on cue?
3) Sidepass to a mounting block? 4) Come to you while in a herd?
5) Lounge, back, trot poles, jump free? 6) Pick up things for you?
We can, and we did it with Clicker Training. Your success may only be a Click away. WHAT IS CLICKER TRAINING? Clicker Training is a form of positive reinforcement that uses a Click to mark a desired behavior in a way your animal is taught to understand. The Click tells him "Yes. That is what I want you to do". They are then rewarded, usually with a food treat, but when a foal is very young, you can use a friendly scratch or rub. WHY USE CLICKER TRAINING? Clicker Training stimulates and expands the desire to learn. Rewards in the form of food are very motivating. It is never too early to introduce your foal to Clicker Training. We saw that our foals understood the concept in only a few days, making us realize that we could teach them more than we ever thought possible. In short, it really works. You don't need anything you don't already have. We don't even use a mechanical clicker. We make a Click sound with our mouths to mark behaviors because it leaves both hands free. It is a distinctly different sound than the kiss or the cluck sound many people use to ask for movement. LETS GET STARTED The first step is to decide what you want to teach. We felt our foals needed to stand quietly for the veterinarian and farrier. They needed to allow us to touch them all over and pick up their feet. The next step is to decide what your cue is. We like to have both a verbal cue and a physical cue for each behavior. That way you can use one or both, depending on the situation. We started by cradling them in our arms and cueing them with the word "whoa". When they relaxed, we marked that relaxation with a Click and gave them a friendly rub as a reward. Next, we looped a soft rope around the rump, low around the neck, crossing over the back.. We then could hold them with one hand while introducing them to being handled. Again, we Clicked acceptance and rewarded with rubs. Step three is to break it down. For example, you want your foal to allow you to handle their hind leg without moving away or lifting it. At first maybe you will be able to only touch the lower hip before they move. Find that spot and click, treat, and repeat. Gradually work your way lower and lower down the leg, asking for a little bit more each time you work with them on it. Click/treat, Click/treat. Rewards should come frequently when they are learning to accept any new feeling or behavior. Time your Click to when they are standing still. This is very important because if you Click a movement, they will want to repeat that movement. Of course that makes it great when you want to teach them to trot in hand or any other movement. The power for shaping behavior is there. It may take days, it may take minutes, but the end result is the same. You wanted to be able to handle your horse's leg while they stood quietly, and now you can. It doesn't matter what behavior you want to teach, break it down into manageable steps based on your foal's reaction. You will change the timing of the Click sound as the desired behavior is learned. Lets take backing up for instance. At first, you will Click and treat when you see the slightest try. Like a slight backwards shifting of weight. Later, you Click when the behavior is happening. A foot steps backward. You can eventually ask them to back several steps before the Click. If you lose them somewhere along the way, just go back to where they can succeed. Concentrate on ending your lessons on a positive note. Remember the Click should be like a contract with your foal. A reward is coming and they quickly learn that. You can use praise to encourage them towards your goal and save the Click for their best efforts once they show you they understand the concept. We don't accept bad behavior from our foals. Many people are concerned that using treats creates a spoiled horse. Not so if you do it right. We offer the treats away from our body and are careful to not allow them to come into our space. We try to use the least amount of discipline necessary to achieve this. After they want to play and learn, simply walking away from them can be enough for them to not repeat the unwanted behavior. We also use discouraging sounds, a horse-like squeal or a loud uh-uh. FREE SHAPING A BEHAVIOR Many of the behaviors you want repeated are things your foal already knows how to do. This is where it gets really fun. Hate that urine smell in your trailer? So do we. Does it annoy you when you show your horse and it urinates during the class? We have a solution. We taught our foals to urinate on request by Clicking and treating them each time we witnessed the behavior. We are surprised how often they will repeat this behavior for a treat. The order of things is changed when you observe a behavior you want repeated on cue. Instead of cue, Click, treat, you will Click, cue, treat, as you witness the behavior. If you are shaking your head like bees have nested there, don't be discouraged. It wasn't that easy for us to understand at first either. Here goes. You see your foal urinating. Click, name it, and deliver the treats as fast as you can. You can name it whatever you want, but be consistent. It will become your cue. Be prepared to Click, name, and treat this behavior over a period of several weeks. By noticing where and when they go, you can begin to ask for the behavior when you feel you have the greatest chance for success. The first time you are able to cue for and get the behavior, make over them like they just won you the lottery. At first we were successful only at home, in familiar surroundings. We can now get results before trailering, going into the show ring, or out on the trail. Remember to consider your foal's preferences. Most choose a place where their legs don't get splashed. By being alert and observant, your opportunities seem to have no limit. We have even used Clicker Training to teach our foals to drink on cue. This proves the saying; "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink", isn't always true. WHAT ABOUT THE OLDER HORSES? Horses of any age can be introduced to Clicker Training. We haven't found one who doesn't catch on to the concept. They really look forward to learning when they know a reward is coming. You can practically see the cogs turning in their brains asking us "What do they want me to do"? It doesn't matter what type of activities you pursue with your horses, or what training program you use. Rewarded behavior becomes repeated behavior. By Beth Bliss and Jan Norman